The Scrumptious Cake Sale.
"Rainbow swirls, chocolate buttons for sale!"
The children's tummies rumbled as they tried to decide which one to pick, "Mmmm they all look delicious".
By Jorja and Melanie.
The Cake Sale.
When I see the cakes they make my mouth water it makes my eyes go boom, I love it so much. It's so chocolatey my cupcake.
By Eleanor
Cake Stall.
Yum yum, chocolate for everyone. People licking their lips.
By Briana
The cake sale it was very good and the kids came to have my cake.
It was cool and they ate chocolate buttons too.
By Jared
$Cake sale$
Everyone wanted a yummy cake. Their eyes were wide and their faces grinning. I whispered "uhhhhhh" when they got that cake they scrunched and munched it up. We thought that we wouldn't get that many people but there were MILLIONS surrounding our table. We made about 40 or 50 $$$$$. It was amazing.
By Alex and Charley.
Chocolate Lovers Cake Stall.
On Wednesday June the 26th, there was a cake sale at GHS. There were chocolate smiles galore at Hut 24 to raise money for the treasure for our treasure hunt. There were chocolate moustaches, cookies, cake and cupcakes too. It was so great because we made lots of treasure money, we had customers coming out of our eye balls.
A combined report written by Mitchellx2, Jaime & Shurti.