Last week we had Travel Wise in our school. Travel Wise is a organisation that encourages kids to get to school under their own steam. Travel Wise developed the Walking School Bus and ensures options for safe active travel are available to students.
A large map of our school community was set up in Room 14 for classes to visit. Each student was asked to use a ‘monopoly house’ to mark where they lived. You had to put a colour coded sticker next to your house showing your type of travel e.g. blue sticker if you walk, red sticker if you come in a car. We shared problems we had coming to school like scary dogs or busy roads. Parents were also invited to view the completed map and add their ‘issues’.
Overall it was a great success and an informative couple of days. We would like to thank Bridget Framiloe (School Transport Coordinator) and Yvette Nicholls for running these 2 days.
Did you know that 179 tonnes of carbon dioxide are released by vehicles travelling to school in the Auckland area alone! That is the same weight as 76 hippos!
Here's the Travel Wise link http://www.travelwise.org.nz/
By Arabela and Miss Wium