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Monday, August 6, 2012

Bugsy Malone - Thank You Message From Silvie

Bugsy Malone – The Debrief!

It’s been 5 ½ long and fun-filled months since the Year 7’s and I started the musical production process. Back in February we began with discussing the show, the characters, the scenes and sets. Auditions were held early on and I had the very difficult task of casting!

Once cast, we started with read-throughs which led into walk-throughs, learning the dances and songs, building on each and every scene until it became the full and fantastic show that we saw onstage this week.

I have to say every performer exceeded my expectations; delivering rounded, complete character performances.

There are a number of super kids who are wholly naturally talented, whose performance have grown so much over the months to be absolutely incredible.  I am, however, especially delighted to have seen those kids who weren’t sure about even being on stage at all, shining like superstars.  They have completely come out of their comfort zone and found that; ‘actually I can do this and I quite enjoy it’. That’s what it all about: having the opportunity to attempt something that they might never have considered trying, enjoying themselves and doing it brilliantly!

We are so lucky to be at such a wonderful school as GHS, where the kids and I have the freedom, encouragement and endless support to create this type of show.

Thank you so so much to all the wonderful parents, ex-GHS pupils, friends of the school and GHS staff whose help was so forthcoming, and so vital to putting on a show of this magnitude. Everyone involved was positive, relaxed and supportive of the kids. It’s so magnificent to see and such a fine example for our children.

The incredibly caring and supportive attitude shown by every single student involved blew me away. Backstage, the teamwork and encouragement of each other was delightful. When things didn’t always go to plan, the kids stepped up quickly and calmly adapting to the situation, which is a true test of surviving in the real world.

Well done Year 7’s (and Chorus) you have made us all so proud. I, for one, can’t wait to see what you each achieve next!

- Silvie Watts -