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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Check Out Episode 5 of Sloop!

Here's episode 4 if you missed it...

Diamond Times

The Queen Celebrates In Style.
The Queen looked beautiful as she celebrated her  Diamond Jubilee in England. Her Royal Highness was wearing a white hat and a sparkly suit with pretty earrings  and a neckless. She was in a carriage travelling along the streets to London waving at the crowds who were cheering for her.
The Queen arrived at Buckingham Palace and stepped out of the carriage looking glamorous. At the Palace she came out on to the balcony with her royal family and waved to the crowd. Later this evening the Queen will attend a special music concert to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee with Jesse .J, Adele and Beyonce singing.The evening ended with spectacular fireworks and was a fabulous event.
By Caitlin and Ellie
The Island