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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rugby Chaos Game

Are you bored? Try Room 16's new game called 'Rugby Chaos'.
Available from Room 16. Here's the ad...

The Rippa Festival was a Ripper!!

Room 27 organised a great Rippa Festival. Check out the highlights on the video below!

Walking School Bus News!

Monique Chambers from room 20- thought that we should have a special day for WSB- "bring a friend- promote day"- so.......invitations were sent out to her whole class, and friends around, and we got 20 altogether last Thursday 1st September!- great way to start the first official day of spring"- prizes were given out and lots of fun was had! We hope this can be done again real soon- Will let you know when!  

This was for the Walking School Bus held every Tuesday and Thursday @ # 8 Alec Craig Way, corner of Du'rvell and Alec Craig Way, Caramel coloured house, with black steel fence- look out for flags and signage....Join us one day, and have some fun!- you never know what prize you will get!

The other Walking School Bus is run every Wednesday @ corner of Midshipman and Alec Craig Way (round-about point)- we rely greatly and appreciate the support of our great teachers Miss Wium, Mrs Vrettos and Mrs Southgate for their help!- Thanks ladies you help us make this BUS happen!- WOOP WOOP! Who know's who might come on the WSB- MR PETRIE EVEN- YAY!

Would you like to organise another Walking School Bus in your street?- Let us know- happy to help you set another one up! Its real easy!- GO FOR IT!!!- Let's cut down on the traffic in Gulf Harbour!- and get some exercise together!

Bye for now!
Gaylene ( Walking School Bus Co-ordinator for GHS)