We interviewed the elderly and got some of their names, we also asked them what their previous jobs were before retiring and also their hobbies when they were younger. Some were very funny and talkative.
We played some card games and shared some laughs untill it was finally time to go. We had baked some cookies for them, they were delicious and went down a treat - chocolate chip cookies and Anzac cookies. Finally it was time to leave and leave our volunteering for another week. Two of the students felt like crying because they didn’t want to leave, but we had to get back to school to hear about the other group in our class who went to the preschool in Gulf Harbour.
The following week all of us students were so excited about another few hours spent at the Center on Friday 31st August but we didn’t no what to bring,so we did lots of research and planning for the day ahead - like what some appropriate games could be, what they said they enjoyed doing in their previous interview, and learning about some of the things the patients suffer from including Dementia, Alzheimer's and Strokes. It was very interesting and has helped us understand our role as volunteers and how we can help them.
Friday 31st finally came for us to hop into the cars and travel down to 7 Greenveiw Lane to PLATINUM!! Monica who runs the Community Care center was there ready to welcome us in with her lovely smile and caring nature. The volunteers who worked there had everything planned.First we told them our name and our dads name for fathers day, them we split up into two rooms and got into pairs. We worked as a pair and created our cards for fathers day! It was interesting how some of them remembered their fathers name - we thought that was pretty cool!
Finally all the fun came to an end and we had to get back to school, but we know that it won't be the last time, as we are booked in for the next few weeks and we can't wait!!
By: Amy and Georgia