Hey you listen up, Countdown have made some collectable cards that are spreading throughout the coast and everyone is collecting them. They are animal cards! Most kids have brought the cards to school and have been trading them.
Some kids have the entire collection. Some kids are still trying to get them all. There are 108 cards to collect.

1. Free tailed bat - Fastest.
2. Honey badger - Toughest.
3. Southern cassowary - Deadliest.
4. Green tree frog - Smartest.
5. Monkey eating eagle - Fiercest.
6. Narwhal - Weirdest.
7. Tokay gecko - Sneakiest.
8. Oil bird - loudest.
9. Black tailed trainbearer - Showiest.
...and there are a lot more. The cards are a huge addiction to kids.
Some of the animals on the cards are herbivores. Which means they eat plants and some are meat eaters. Get into the latest craze!
By Nicole and Tammy
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